Photos from the book

Sally and Issa

My father, Moshe

My mother, Giza

The only picture of my mother, father and me that I have ever seen.

Dad, Sally, and me at the apartment where I lived with Sally and Issa, across the street from the Jewish Community Association preschool.

Regina — this was taken by our mother when I met my sister for the very first time, the day my dad brought me back to my mother.

Regina and me playing in front of one of the many LA apartments where we lived with Mother.

Regina and me at the last apartment before Mother flew us away to Israel — you can see how skinny we were due to lack of food.

Sitting at the kitchen table in Aunt Ruska and Uncle Yosef’s apartment — notice the affection of Yosef’s arms around us both and the huge grin that he always had on his face.

Yosef and me standing by the bus that dropped us off at Ben Gurion International Airport before being denied access to leave the country — I’m holding the same suitcase that I brought the day my dad took me to my mom for the first time.

Me in my IDF uniform three months into service.

Joshua and me — given that I was still wearing my HVAC uniform, I must have just gotten home.

My sister visiting me in my new apartment during my divorce from Betty — Malka’s look of rapture being with her brother is priceless.

Sonya at Joshua’s bar mitzvah.

My father around his late sixties — the look of a broken man.

Malka and me — this photo was taken less than a year before her untimely death. During the photo shoot, she was hesitant to put her hand on my shoulder when the photographer instructed her to do so.
She was apprehensive due to me being a man and her being ultra-orthodox. She began talking to herself out loud while she was standing by my side saying, “Well, I think it’s permitted since he is my brother.

Photo used with permission from Cashman Photo Enterprises